Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Olly Murs talks about his very small penis

via glooce

"It's not about quantity, it's about quality.
And I am all about quality."

When we think of singer Olly Murs, one thing in particular jumps to mind. No, not his cheeky personality, great music, or hip-thrusting dancing skills. We're talking about his trouser bulge.

Yes, we are fully aware that we have filthy minds.

Now Olly has spoken out about his love of crotch-hugging trousers, and even gone as far as to estimate the actual length of his willy. Graphic.

"Maybe 13 cm?" He told heat magazine, when asked about his 'length'. "That's what I'd go with - it's definitely not 20cm. It would be too big. I think 13cm."

You're all running around the room looking for a ruler right now aren't you? AND YOU SAY WE'RE FILTHY? PAH.

Olly also revealed that he isn't fussed about his bulge being a regular conversation topic, which is good - considering we talk about it a LOT.

"It doesn't bother me," he said. "I have never, honest to God, tried to emphasise it. It has always been other people."

He added: "I have never thought of myself as someone who has a big bulge. But this is probably the first time I will be arrogant by saying I have never had a complaint...it's not about the size; it's what you can do with it that counts.

"It's not about quantity, it's about quality. And I am all about quality."

Sheesh an actual IN-DEPTH conversation about willies and sex. It's all a bit too much for us at 11am in the morning.

So it's all official then - Olly Murs has a big shlong. Perhaps he and Harry Styles can form some sort of club.

Source 2

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