
Thursday, October 17, 2013

Shawn Ashmore in DA MAN magazine looking pretty hot


Growing up in front of the camera is not everybody’s cup of tea. For Shawn Ashmore who’s returning as Iceman in the upcoming “X-Men” movie installment, that only paves the way for him to make it big in showbiz. Known for his amicable personality, the Canadian actor has been showing off his impersonation skill since a very young age of nine on a Toronto-based TV series, titled “Katts and Dog.” Ashmore’s first American film, though, was “Married to It” in 1991, where he and his twin brother, Aaron, landed the parts as students when they were just ten.

Seven years later, Shawn – the younger sibling – seized the chance to perform alongside budding actresses, Kirsten Dunst and Rachel Leigh Cook, on a feature film “Strike.” But his biggest break came in 2000 when the 1979-born nailed the Iceman role in the Hollywood blockbuster “X-Men.” The success was beyond expectation, and the sequel was immediately made. At the same token, the comic book-adaptation film introduced Ashmore to the star-studded cast of “X-Men,” not excluding Sir Ian McKellan, Hugh Jackman, Halle Berry, etc.

The blue-eyed thespian then kept himself busy in between the “X-Men” installments by making appearances in TV series and several movies. His portrayal of Canadian athlete and humanitarian Terry Fox in “Terry” in 2005 is perhaps Ashmore’s most heart-wrenching and poignant role to date – something that fans of Iceman might have missed from the action-packed blockbuster. As his career progresses, there’s much more to see what the newlywed will score in the next few years. But in the meantime, let’s break the ice with Mister Iceman.
We heard that you’ve finished shooting for the “X-Men: Days of Future Past.” Could you spill the beans on what the new film is all about?
The movie is an incredible story involving both members from the original cast and the “First Class” cast. It is going to be exactly what our audience wants and expects. A great thrill ride with amazing action and heart.

So you’re playing Iceman. Who is he exactly?
Bobby Drake, in my mind, is a young guy who has had to deal with the unexpected for most of his life. Learning to understand and be comfortable with his abilities has made him a very open and social person. He is a bit of an everyman, and I think that’s why audiences connect with the character. Other than the fact he is Iceman, he’s just like everybody else. Hopefully, people can see a bit of themselves in Bobby.

Tell us how did you get the Iceman role in the first place?
Auditioned in Toronto five times and eventually read with Bryan, after that he offered me the part.

If you could pick another character out of “X-Men”, who would you be?
Nightcrawler. Teleportation seems like something I would enjoy. Plus, he always seems like a wise soul.

You’ve actually been acting since you were young, right?
I’ve been performing one way or another since I was nine or so. I’m not sure why it began, but I do know it’s the only thing I’ve ever wanted to do. Some people are lucky enough to know exactly what they want and be able to pursue that goal. I’m one of those people.

What’s the hardest role so far?
I played a Canadian icon named Terry Fox, who is one of my personal heroes. Just trying to step into his shoes was daunting. It took a lot of physical training but also archival research as well. When you are playing a character who is a real person, there is a level of authenticity you have to strive for. Terry had already passed away, so you also have to consider his family while depicting their loved one. Very tough to do but also very rewarding.

You have a twin brother who is also an actor. Any sibling rivalry?
Yes and no. We will always compete in some way, but calling it a rivalry makes it sound negative. That’s not the case between Aaron and I. We are best friends and support each other 100 percent.

Three things that most people don’t know about you:
I love “StarCraft,” bowling and Chihuahuas.


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